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DAX (Aug 18) 10591.32 53.65 0.51%
CAC (Aug 18) 4431.46 13.78 0.31%
FTSE (Aug 18) 6874.17 15.02 0.22%

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S&P BSE Auto 21526.21 71.65
S&P BSE BANKEX 22195.72 358.34
Bank Nifty 19352.80 311.55
S&P BSE Capital Goods 15068.48 -63.88
S&P BSE Consumer Durables 12085.28 -58.88
S&P BSE FMCG 8699.56 -10.03
S&P BSE Healthcare 16202.76 114.56
S&P BSE IT 10589.54 -30.88
S&P BSE Metals 10043.48 -55.30
S&P Oil & Gas 10778.63 81.19
S&P BSE PSU 7457.49 74.11
S&P BSE TECk 5816.11 -1.17
S&P BSE Small Cap 12403.69 123.49
S&P BSE Mid-Cap 12967.71 56.10
Nifty Midcap 100 15098.30 114.40
Company Price % Gain
UltraTechCement 3,874.35 4.73
Power Grid Corp 182.00 4.21
IndusInd Bank 1,194.60 3.56
NTPC 166.80 3.25
Adani Ports 275.45 2.91
Company Price % Loss
Coal India 339.05 -2.52
Larsen 1,482.10 -1.36
Tata Power 76.90 -1.35
Tata Steel 387.20 -1.19
Tech Mahindra 469.50 -1.90


Nikkei 225 (Aug 18) 16486.01 -259.63
Straits Times (Aug 18) 2836.98 -6.34
Hang Seng (Aug 18) 23023.16 223.38
Taiwan Index (Aug 18) 9122.50 4.80
KOSPI (Aug 18) 2055.47 11.72
Shanghai Composite (Aug 18) 3104.32 -5.23


FTSE (Aug 18) 6863.79 4.64
CAC (Aug 18) 4421.19 3.51
DAX (Aug 18) 10573.80 36.13

Event Calendar

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News Flash

  • Sun Pharma : Imatinib Mesylate Is Therapeutic Equivalent To Gleevec.
  • Balaji Tele : To Mull Fundraising Via Issue Of Securities On Pref Basis On February 4
  • Rel Capital : Imatinib Mesylate Is Therapeutic Equivalent To Gleevec
  • Sun Pharma : To Mull Fundraising Via Issue Of Securities On Pref Basis On February 4
  • Rel Capital : Imatinib Mesylate Is Therapeutic Equivalent To Gleevec
  • Balaji Tele : To Mull Fundraising Via Issue Of Securities On Pref Basis On February 4


Life after Brexit

A new survey has found that UK has seen a dramatic fall in economic output and business activity since the Brexit vote

Why sovereign ratings matter

Year 2023 could set a new record for negative sovereign rating actions

Changing faces of rain gods

With monsoon having covered the entire country by mid-July, the outlook for the agricultural sector appears to be improving

Views & Recommendations

J K Cement Ltd

Buy JK Cement Ltd. at a price target of Rs 860.0more »August 20, 2023

Gateway Distriparks Ltd

Kotak Institutional Equities has initiated coverage on Gateway Distripacks with an add rating with June 2...more »August 20, 2023

Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd

IIFL has maintained its accumulate rating on Power Grid with a target price of Rs 195 as they believe the...more »August 20, 2023

State Bank of India

Motilal Oswal values State Bank on a consolidated basis. As integration cost and dilution associated with...more »August 20, 2023

ICICI Bank Ltd

Buy ICICI Bank Ltd. at a price target of Rs 280.0 and a stop loss at Rs 235.0 from entry pointmore »August 20, 2023

Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd

Buy Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. at a price target of Rs 947.0 and a stop loss at Rs $stopLossL fro...more »August 19, 2023


Buy NIIT Ltd. at a price target of Rs 96.0 and a stop loss at Rs 87.0 from entry pointmore »August 19, 2023

Container Corporation of India Ltd

Sell Container Corporation of India Ltd. at a price target of Rs 1340.0 and a stop loss at Rs 1420.0 from...more »August 20, 2023

Alpha Geo (India) Ltd

Buy Alpha Geo (India) Ltd. at a price target of Rs 940.0 and a stop loss at Rs 802.0 from entry pointmore »August 19, 2023

Piramal Healthcare Ltd

Buy Piramal Enterprises Ltd. at a price target of Rs 2058.0 and a stop loss at Rs 2000.0 from entry point...more »August 19, 2023



737 Cr. (6.99%)


74,010 Cr. (1.8%)


42,746 Cr. (1.65%)

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龙邮票邮票收藏南京文交所钱币邮票交易中心大龙邮票邮票收藏邮票行情奥运邮票邮票网邮票价格奥运邮票尽管当今之世,英雄是跌出不穷,而后才发现,他算不得真英雄。重回九十年代,再小的人物,也将不会平凡,这本就是个小人物的大时代!一个在世上混了二十几年,一事无成的人,常年做着帝王梦。终于,梦醒了。他失眠了,精神分裂,住进了精神病院。万万没想到,他却因病而成网红,实现人生逆袭。可好景不长,这医院原来是穿越基地。他和病友们穿越了,穿越到一万年以后。 灵气与天灾并存,未来与末日共生。 流浪少年与遗弃少女,在一副神秘石板指引之下,踏上只属于他们的序列之路。秦小满穿越成了地主二代,本想当个败家子躺平,可总有人想夺他的粮、抢他的钱、要他的命。 “既然无法低调,那我就不装了。” 于是,大乾朝百官想巴结他、公主想嫁给他、皇帝想让贤给他,就连周边国家的王族都想跪下叫他“爸爸”求庇护。 可他真的只是想当一个闲散的败家子而已……看似平凡安逸的生活,实际却暗潮涌动,当原本其乐融融的潜在势力群雄并起时,这个世界能否像以前一样昂首挺胸的迈向未来的下一个篇章?这是一个不同视角的超大玄幻世界体系,主角不止一个,这一切都是从一个姑娘的视角开始。Immortals should not be enslaved. ??? ??? ?????? 私はこのように注目されるのが好きです。玄龙大陆,以武为尊。 少年叶平安得到败天武帝的至尊天眼,从一个卑微的蝼蚁,成为至高无上的绝世武帝! 一路上白骨累累,红颜多娇路飘摇,无敌路上太寂寥! 这是一个近似未来地球的异世界。 名为“黑石”的神秘矿物能将人的情绪与欲望收割转化,为这个世界提供了近乎无穷无尽的能源。 普通人就是被无尽收割的活能源,如同“工具”和“零件”生存。 财团,高官,各种特权者们争权夺利。 而他将颠覆这个世界的规则。一睁眼,逝去的父亲跟爷爷飘荡在你眼前,你害怕吗? 在你慢慢能接受了的时候,又告诉你你也快了,你害怕吗?一睁眼,逝去的父亲跟爷爷飘荡在你眼前,你害怕吗? 在你慢慢能接受了的时候,又告诉你你也快了,你害怕吗?
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